MAP Assessments for Grades 1-5

On Wednesday February 3rd and 10th, students in grades 1-5 will take the Measured Academic Progress (MAP) assessment. The data from the MAP assessment will help schools and teachers measure your student’s academic progress. The MAP test does not affect grades and the difficulty adjusts depending on how your child responds. It is normal for students to only answer about half the questions correctly.  To learn more about the MAP assessment, please visit: 

The Reading test will be offered on February 3rd from 9-11 am.  

The Rath test will be offered on February 10th from 9-11 am.  

On testing day, if your student has technical difficulties and needs more time to complete the assessment, your student’s teacher will invite them to a make up session later that day with Mrs. Hyun. 

For any students who are absent on February 3rd or February 10th due to illness or personal reasons, an absentee make up session will be offered on another Wednesday or possibly during other asynchronous times with Mrs. Hyun.  

Language Arts and Math Teachers will share Google Meet information as we get closer to the February dates.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding MAP testing, please contact Mrs. Hyun, Assistant Principal at or our school phone number: 410-313-2806.