Please consider joining the NES Diversity Committee!

Please consider joining the NES Diversity Committee

The Diversity Committee meets once per month to discuss and plan for ways in which we can make Northfield a culturally inclusive environment for all of its stakeholders. Our goals are the following:

1. To enrich learning at Northfield by honoring our diversity

2. To ensure that all students and staff thrive in a safe, nurturing and inclusive culture that embraces diversity

If you are interested in being a part of this important and exciting work, please join us on the following dates: 10/12, 11/9, 12/14, 1/11, 2/8, 3/15, 4/12, 5/17, 6/7. These dates will be added to the NES website calendar, as well.  We will be meeting in Mrs. Kahn's classroom from 7:50-8:25 am.  When you arrive to Northfield, please sign in on the Lobby Guard and head down to the Kindergarten team area.  You do not have to attend all of the meetings; rather, please feel free to join us whenever you are available. Please contact Judy Kahn ( with any questions.