Attention: Rising 6th Graders to Dunloggin

A message from Dunloggin to our Rising 6th Grade Students: Dunloggin Middle School Virtual Student Visit Day June 8, 2020 @ 9:00 am

Dear Incoming Dragons and Families, During this unprecedented time, our school team at Dunloggin Middle School continues working hard to prepare for next year. I know I speak for the entire staff when I send you a heartfelt welcome to the DMS family. We are eager to meet our new students for the 2020-21 school year.

Our school is hosting a Virtual Student Visit Day on Monday, June 8, 2020 at 9:00 am to 10:00 am to introduce you to some of our staff members, discuss the many programs and activities available in our school, and share our school spirit with you. Additionally, we look forward to sharing information on SGA, intramural and co-curricular activities, and opportunities offered at DMS.

Parents should have received the information for google meet codes through Northfield's School Messenger.

If your student is not able to make the Virtual Student Visit Day at the scheduled time, the information that is presented will be able to be accessed on our school website

We’re incredibly proud of Dunloggin Middle School, and we couldn’t be more excited to have you join us next year.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions at

Sincerely, Antoinette Roberson

Para información y apoyo adicionales, por favor, llame al 410-313-1591.

欲知详情或想获得更多支持,请电 410-313-5920.

보다 자세한 문의와 지원을 원하시면, 410-313-1592 로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

For all other language needs please contact Monica Ranta at 410-313-7102.