YA Poster Announcing Contest Elementary 2018 .pdf
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YA Student Cover Sheet 2018.pdf
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Students in grades 2-5 are encouraged to participate in the 2018 State of Maryland Literacy Association's Young Author's Contest. Students can write a poem or short story to submit for the contest. Students in grades 2-5 learned about the Young Author's Contest in class, but we also wanted you to have the information and documents, as well, so that you can encourage your child to participate. See below for a list of criteria that must be met.
✏ Entries must be original work.
✏ All entries must use no smaller than 12 point font in Times New Roman or Comic Sans.
✏ Short story entry may range from a minimum of 300 words to no more than 800 words.
✏ Poem entry will consist of a single poem, any style from a minimum of 25 words to no more than 150 words.
✏ Entries should not include graphics.
✏ Each entry must include a completed cover sheet (see above to download a copy of the cover sheet) signed by the student author and sponsoring teacher paper clipped to the student work.
✏ Poems and stories should not include the student's name. This information is written on the cover sheet.
A copy of the scoring rubric is attached above this message.
For additional details and guidelines, please contact our Northfield Reading Specialist, Mrs. Flajnik at susan_flajnik@hcpss.org.
The flyer above incorrectly states that entries are due by December 15th, but since this is a Saturday, we are asking for entries on Friday, December 14th.