Instructional Seminars at NES '18-'19

Instructional Seminars at NES

All 2nd-5th grade students have heard about the Instructional Seminar opportunities being offered this year.  Instructional Seminars are open to all students in grades 2-5 who have a desire to learn about the topic offered. Groups meet during recess. Most meet once a week for either the first half or the second half of the year. Occasionally some groups meet full year.  The attachment below includes a description of the seminars offered at each grade level.  This year we are completing the process electronically. Students that were interested were able to sign up in school when we met with them to present the options. If your child was absent or missed the presentation, they may sign up at:

All survey responses must be in by the end of the day Friday, October 19th. Students who signed up will receive a letter of invitation detailing meeting date and location by November 1st at the latest. Please be advised that timing and content is subject to change based on student interest.

Instructional Seminars at NES '18-'19