PTA Reflections Program- Heroes Around Me!

PTA Reflections Program- Heroes Around Me!

The National PTA Reflections program is PTA's cornerstone arts program.  It was developed to encourage students to explore their talents and express themselves.  Since its inception 50 years ago, the Reflections program has inspired millions of students to reflect on a specific theme and create original artwork.  Each year, students in Grades PreK - 12, are recognized for bringing the theme to life in the following six categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography and visual arts (including 3D art).  We are excited to announce that the PTA Reflections program is coming back to Northfield, as we too, celebrate our 50th anniversary!  This year's Reflections program theme is "Heroes Around Me." Detailed information about submission guidelines and entry forms will be available soon on the Northfield PTA website. All submissions will be due to Northfield by Friday, November 16th.  This will be an at home project. 

If you are interested in volunteering and/or know of a local community members who might be interested in serving as a judge, please contact Lisa Park at  One more thing!  The search is on for a future Reflections program theme!  The student who submits the winning entry will receive $100 prize from National PTA.  The National PTA selected theme will be used for the 2020-2021 Reflections program.  They are looking for the most original theme; therefore, past themes and duplicate submissions will not be considered.  If you would like to view past themes, please go to If you are interested in submitted a theme, please contact Lisa Park at before October 26.