Interested in becoming a Room Parent or Team Captain?

Northfield Elementary

Room Parent Information 2018-19


Thank you for your interest in serving as an NES Room Parent/Team Captain for the upcoming school year! We welcome your support, and we are grateful for your involvement! Administration, teachers, and the PTA have worked together to develop the room parent guidelines and responsibilities.  If you have any questions about the role of the room parent or team captain, please contact Cathleen Lopez or Colleen Golden. We want being a Room Parent to be an enjoyable and rewarding experience!


Communication with Students and Parents


  • The grade-level team leaders will communicate with parent team captains.  Team captains will communicate with the other room parents in the team.

  • There are times when PTA, teachers, or administration will distribute communication through room parents.  Please share the information as quickly as possible.

  • Administration must approve any communication that is distributed to families.  Please send communication to admin 24 hours in advance of when you want to send it out.


Class Parties


  • The grade-level team leader and/or parent team captains will ask you to coordinate and attend a minimum of two class parties this year.  You will be contacted with more information.

  • At this time, the celebrations will include a Fall Festival and a Valentine’s Day party.  


PTA Events


  • We may ask Team Captains and Room Parents to volunteer and/or organize volunteers for PTA events if the PTA is in need of volunteers for a particular event.


Staff Gifts


  • Room parents are sometimes asked to coordinate gifts for classroom teachers.  Adhere to the following guidelines:

    • Winter Holiday- We suggest that gifts at this time are not coordinated and remain an individual family choice.  Please note that the HCPSS Ethics Policy requires that the value of any staff gift be limited to $25.00.

    • End of the Year and Special Occasions- Some Room Parents/Team Captains choose to coordinate teacher gifts.  


Parking, Photos, Volunteer Training


  • Please do not park in the bus loop, fire lane, or reserved spaces.

  • Due to privacy laws, parents are only permitted to take photographs of their own children.

  • All Room Parents will need to complete two HCPSS Volunteer Trainings (Child Abuse and Neglect, as well as Student Confidentiality).  Watch e-news for information and directions to complete training and return your certificate to NES.


If you are interested in being a Room Parent for your child’s classroom or a Team Captain for your child’s team, please complete this form by Friday, September 14th.  Please note: if you are selected, your email address and phone number will be shared with other room parents and team captains.