Winter MAP Testing

Students in grades 1-5 will be taking the computer-based, adaptive assessment Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), on the dates below.  Most students take approximately one hour to complete each of the two MAP assessments.  The blocks of time below reflect the entire administration time (handing out laptops, logging into the program, reading directions, etc.).

For more information about MAP,  please visit:

The winter MAP window closes on February 23rd. 

Grade Level



First Grade

Math: January 29th

ELA: January 31st

9:00-11:00 Second Grade

Math: February 5th

ELA: January 30th

9:00-11:00 Third Grade

Math: February 6th

ELA: February 7th

1:00-3:00 Fourth Grade

Math: February 13th

ELA: February 9th

During Math or ELA block Fifth Grade

Math: February 20th

ELA: February 1st

During Math or ELA block