Reminder for October 31st Fall Festival

Fall Festival

October 31st is always highly anticipated day by children and families.  To ensure it is an inclusive event, Northfield will celebrate the day by having Fall Festivals in each team.  Each team will be planning an hour-long event.  The teachers, team captains, and room parents will work together to make this an enjoyable day for all children.  

Due to the field closure, all activities will be held in classrooms.  The time of each activity will be determined by the grade level team.  To maintain safety and to keep within the Fall Festival theme, activities will not include a parade.

It will be a Dress Up Day in school so students can come to school wearing a costume. No scary costumes or any with masks or face make-up will be allowed.  Also, no weapons or anything that represents a weapon will be allowed on school property. Appropriate costumes for school would include characters from children’s TV shows, movies or books; those that are whimsical or funny; or costumes that represent super heroes or a career.  If your child’s costume choice for Halloween is not within these parameters, a fall themed or Halloween T-shirt would be a good alternative if you do not have another option.  They are welcome to bring in a picture of the costume they will wear that evening to share with friends.  If your child chooses not to participate in Dress Up Day but wants to put on a costume for the hour event, it must be able to be put on independently and be slipped over their clothes, as no child will be sent to the bathroom to change.

Another fun way to have them show off their Halloween costume is to attend the STEM Spooktacular event on October 28th sponsored by our awesome PTA.