Head Lice Prevention, Identification, and Treatment

Please click here to read an information sheet about the prevention, identification, and treatment of head lice provided by our health room. 

There have been several confirmed cases of pediculosis (head lice) here at NES.   We have followed our Health Services & school procedures and contacted those who need to know and referred the children for treatment.  A letter was sent out via Canvas by the classroom teacher if there was a confirmed case in your child’s classroom. 

To be proactive, you can carefully check your child’s hair for the next week to 10 days to be sure your child was not affected.  Use a comb to look for any sign of lice, small eggs or nits (hatched egg casings).
  • Pay special attention to areas around ears and nape of neck.
  • Lice are about the size of a sesame seed and are grayish/brown.  They will scatter when you expose them to light.  So if you think you saw one, you did.
  • Lice eggs are white, yellow, brown or tan in color and are about the size of a poppy seed.  They typically attach to the hair shaft and are not easily removed when you run your finger along the hair shaft.  The closer to the scalp the newer they are. 
  • Be aware of persistent head scratching by family/household members.
Your pharmacist or health care provider can recommend a suitable product if you suspect treatment is necessary.  It is important to notify the health room if your child has undergone treatment.  Identities are kept confidential.  We can assist with further instructions and are available to answer any questions and provide resources.  The Center for Disease Control web site:  www.cdc.gov/lice/  is a great resource for more pictures and information.  Head lice do not carry disease and are in no way a reflection of a person or family’s hygiene or cleanliness.  This condition is found whenever large groups gather and can be picked up in any place upon contact with a person having such a condition.  This letter is to make you aware rather than alarmed.  Please contact the health room with any questions or concerns.