Walk and Bike to School Afterschool Celebration--October 4th

Walk and BIke to School Afterschool Celebration--October 4th

Northfield is excited to participate in International Walk to School Day on October 4th, but will be celebrating not only with walkers, but with bike riders, as well.  We encourage students that are safely able to walk and bike to school to do so everyday because it is an awesome way to start the day with fresh air and exercise.  Research shows that physical activity wakes up our brains and gets students ready for learning.

On October 4th, we encourage all of our walkers and bikers to join us by the bike racks afterschool for our 3rd Annual Walk and Bike to School Afterschool Celebration from 3:10-3:35 pm.  Students do not need to be accompanied by an adult to join, but please know that your child may be coming home a bit later than usual on this day because they will be joining in on the fun.  Parents are welcome to join in on the fun, too, if they wish. 

We will have a representative from our community partner, Race Pace, and Mr. Chris Eatough, Bike and Pedestrian Coordinator for the HC Government, on site to do helmet and bike safety checks.  We'll have music, fresh fruit donated by Frank's Produce, prizes for students to win, and more.  

Thank you to our PTA for supporting this event for three years running! 

Please mark your calendars and join us for this fun event!