Northfield GT Enrichment Fair and Jazz Festival!

The annual Northfield G/T Enrichment Fair is quickly approaching! Come join us on May 23rd from 6:00-7:00 pm! Our theme this year is a technology motif with the catchphrase, “#CreateAndInnovate!” This fun-filled event is an opportunity for us to share and celebrate the students’ hard work, learning, and accomplishments as well as to highlight the successes of the 2016-17 school year. Projects that students completed during Curriculum Extension Units (CEU’s), Instructional Seminars (recess groups) and G/T math classes will be on display. There will also be a selfie station with emoji photo props! Stay and enjoy the sounds of our very talented Jazz Band directly after the enrichment fair from 7:00-8:00 PM in the cafeteria.  Immediately following the Jazz Band's performance, the PTA will be hosting a brief general meeting to vote for the 2017-2018 PTA Executive Board.  If you are a member of the PTA and are able to stay, please do. 

We look forward to seeing everyone on May 23rd!