Memory Book Order Forms Due May 12th

2016-2017 NES Memory Book

Don’t miss out on the memories!  Order your 2016-2017 memory books today!

Order Deadline

May 12th

No orders accepted after this date!

Order envelopes go home with students on Friday, May 5th.  Complete the form and return in the envelope provided to your child's homeroom teacher. If you misplaced the order form, please put your check in an envelope marked with your child's name and "Memory Book Order".    Please send in a separate envelope for each child receiving a memory book.  Students should give the envelope to their homeroom teachers. 


Price: $ 24.00

Make checks payable to: School Pictures Inc.

Please use a separate envelope for each student receiving a memory book.  Mark your child’s homeroom teacher on the envelope. This year all payments will be taken directly through School Pictures Inc. If you do not turn in an envelope by the due date you will not be able to order a yearbook. We will not be providing extra copies for students who did not order.

Any questions contact Sue Bayer at

A great big THANK YOU to Mrs. Bayer for creating our memory book this year.  It is AWESOME!  Just wait until you see it!