Parent Teacher Conference Schedule Opens on Feb. 22nd

Parent Conferences March 9th and 10th

Scheduling for the upcoming conferences in March will open on February 22nd and close on March 7th.  Teachers have the option of scheduling evening conferences. Teachers will be conducting conferences on Thursday, March 9th beginning at 12:30 p.m. and ending at 6:45 p.m. OR Thursday, March 9th and Friday, March 10th beginning at 12:30 p.m. and ending at 3:45 p.m.  Conferences are 15 minutes in length.  When scheduling for multiple children in your family, leave at least 15 minutes (one conference spot) of time between conferences.  Due to limited time, if you arrive to your conference location late, your missed time with the teacher can not be added to the end of the conference.  


As you may have noticed on the Howard County Public School System calendar, the window for March parent teacher conferences is shorter than the fall conference window.  Since there are limited time slots on the calendar available for conferencing, your child’s math teacher will contact you by Wednesday, February 22nd if they feel there is a need to schedule a conference.  Therefore, if your child’s teacher has not contacted you, a conference is not necessary at this time.  However, if you would like to schedule a conference with your child’s classroom teacher, remaining conference slots will be open through Synergy until Wednesday, February 22nd.


For directions on how to schedule a Parent/Teacher Conference, please click here.