MISA for 5th Graders

Starting this year, all 5th graders will take the MISA (Maryland Integrated Science Assessment).  This is a new computer-based standardized assessment that all 5th and 8th graders will take in the state of Maryland.  It is new for the 2016-2017 school year and replaces MSA Science.  Since this is the first year of MISA, it is a field test year.  This means that data will not be reported at the student level.  Parents will not receive score reports from MISA. 

Northfield fifth graders will complete MISA on March 21st, 22nd, 28th, and 29th in their science classes.  Please make every effort possible to have your child attend school on the assessment days.  However, if your child is sick on one of the testing days, he/she will be able to make-up the section of the test that was missed prior to March 31st which is the end of the testing window.

Click on the link for more information about MISA: https://marylandassessments.org/misa-2016-17/