Kindergarten Registration for 2017-2018

Hello Incoming Kindergarten Parents,

Please click on the links below to access important information and dates that you will need as you prepare to register your child(ren) for Kindergarten for the 2017-2018 school year.  We encourage parents to register their child(ren) from February 27th-March 3rd.  Staff will be available to assist you with the process from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. each day right here at Northfield.  We will have evening registration hours on Thursday, March 2nd from 3:30-6:00 p.m.  If you are unable to make it during the scheduled time for registration, please call Mrs. Tranter at Northfield to set up a time for you to come into school to register.  Many of your questions will be answered on the documents linked below, but if you have additional questions, please call the front office at 410-313-2806 and ask to speak to Mrs. Tranter. 

Kindergarten Registration 2017-2018

Important Dates to Know for Incoming Kindergarten Students 2017-2018

All incoming Kindergarten students will meet with one of our Kindergarten teachers for a brief, 15 minute, assessment.  The results of the assessment help us tp determine the best classroom placement for your child next school year.  Please use the Sign Up Genius linked below to select a date and time to bring your child(ren) to Northfield to meet with one of our teachers.

Kindergarten Assessment Sign-Up Genius

Please help us get the word out about Kindergarten registration.  Remind your neighbors, friends, and others that registration opens on February 27th. 

We look forward to meeting you and your Kindergartener.  We know you will love being a part of the Northfield community!

Thank you,

Dr. Tresler and Mrs. Golden