Girl Scout Junior Troop 203 Seeking Donations

Please read the letter below from 5th grade students from Girl Scout Junior Troop 203.  These young ladies are working towards their Bronze Award and need your help!

Dear Northfield Parents,

         We are  sending out this message to any of you who have unused blankets or towels. For our Girl Scout Bronze Award, we are volunteering at an animal shelter and collecting blankets and towels that are not being used. Also, we are collecting toys for dogs and cats. Dog toys must be of the hard/chew variety.  There will be a box for the items in the front hallway of the school. The dates for collection are Tuesday, February 28th through Thursday, March 9th.


Thank You!!!  Please donate to this worthy cause!

  Chelsea F., Arielle L., Ally S., Mia P., Adelaide H.

                       GS Junior Troop 203, Northfield Elementary School