Message from Dr. Tresler and Mrs. Golden


Dear Roadrunner Families,

Studies show that active kids do better in school.  Northfield has been working hard to ramp up physical education and physical activity for our students. Our efforts have been noticed, and we have been recognized with the  Let’s Move! Active Schools National Award. Only 544 schools across the country achieved this prestigious honor in 2016.


The Let’s Move! Active Schools National Award is the nation’s top physical education and physical activity distinction for K-12 schools and celebrates a school’s commitment to providing students with at least 60 minutes a day of before, during and after school physical activity.


This was truly an effort by the entire school community from our Health and Wellness Committee champions, Physical Education team, our teachers and staff, and our PTA.   Northfield teachers allow for frequent brain breaks throughout the day using Go Noodle and other resources. If you walk through the classrooms, you might see students doing desk push-ups, dancing along to a short video, or doing some jumping jacks.  Our Health and Wellness Committee started our Active Indoor Recess program last year to promote activity even on days when students are forced to be indoors due to weather.  Our PTA sponsors events like fun runs, Fitness Fridays, and co-sponsored our Fit Family night last year (and will again this year).  This year, our PTA even provided every student with a water bottle to encourage students to drink water throughout the day to keep their bodies and brains hydrated.  We have after school programs that promote health and wellness like yoga, Girls on the Run, and soccer.  


We encourage you to join us to celebrating this accomplishment during our FIT Family Night on November 2nd.  Details can be found below.



Dr. Tresler and Mrs. Golden