Message from Dr. Nebesh, NES Strings Director RE: 4th/5th grade strings

Dear Parents of Fourth and Fifth Graders (3rd grade registration starts next week),

String registration for your students is now open. Returning students need to fill out a form and return to Dr. Nebesh by September 9th (note: fifth grade strings will begin sectionals on September 6th, students will receive schedules on Friday September 2nd). Most (hopefully all) returning students, even those who are new to NES but not new to strings, got a registration form today (Tuesday, August 30th). If not, please contact me and I will get one to your student. If your child has not studied strings previously, but wishes to do so this year, please contact me, I do have room in my schedule for fourth and fifth grade beginners. The annual Strings Informational Meeting will be held Tuesday, September 13th, at 7:30 for 4th & 5th grade parents in the NES Cafetorium. If you have any questions regarding the NES Strings program, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Dr. Darka Nebesh
NES Strings Director