Kindergarten Registration for 2016-2017



Registration for kindergarten and new first graders for the 2016-2017 school year will be held at all Howard County elementary schools during the week of February 29 – March 4, 2016.  We will register kindergartners and first graders new to Northfield from 9:00AM-2:00PM.  Hours will be extended until 6:00PM on Thursday, March 3rd.  The custodial parent must register students.  We encourage parents to register as soon as possible in order for us to determine staffing for next year.  The following documentation is required:


AGE REQUIREMENT: Kindergarten is mandatory in Maryland.  State law requires that children entering kindergarten this fall must be five years of age on or before September 1, 2016.  Students entering first grade must be six years old on or before September 1, 2016.  For more information about exceptions to this law (e.g. waiver, early admission) visit www.hcpss/schools/kindergarten  


LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: Parents or guardians are to register students at the school currently serving the address where the child’s parent or guardian resides.  The following documentation must be provided at the time of registration:

  • Parent photo ID (driver’s license)
  • Current signed lease or deed
  • Current utility bill with name and address
  • Student’s proof of birth (birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or passport)
  • Student’s authorized record of immunizations;
  • Proof of parental relationship if applicable (divorce settlement documents, court documents if a custodial parent or guardian is registering).


PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Senate Bill 522 requires all students who are enrolling in a Maryland Public School for the first time to have a physical examination during the period nine months before to six months after enrolling.  Please let the front office know if you are not covered by health insurance. For additional information regarding immunizations and health related questions, please visit www.hcpss/schools/kindergarten