SoMIRAC’s 2015-2016
Young Authors’ Contest
Grades 2-5
Who: Students in Grades 2-5
What: Write a Poem or Short Story
- Entries must be original work
- All entries with no less than 12 point font using Times New Roman or Comic Sans font
- Short story entry may range from a minimum of 300 words to no more than 800 words
- Poem entry will consist of a single poem, any style from a minimum of 25 words to no more than 150 words
- Entries must not include graphics
- Include a completed cover sheet signed by the student author and sponsoring teacher
Additional details and guidelines contact Maria Moy, Howard County Young Authors’ Contest
Elementary Chairperson.
Entries due: January 8, 2016 (NES Contest) NES winners will be sent on to the County level.