If you are the parents of a regular car rider, or even an occasional car rider, please read the message below. You can also read the document here.
February 28, 2017
To: Parents of Car Riders
From: Tiffany Tresler, Principal and Colleen Golden, Assistant Principal
Subject: AM and PM Safety in the Car Loop
Student safety is one of our top priorities at Northfield. Lately, we have observed unsafe situations in the morning and afternoon car loop. We understand that everyone is busy and has places to be, but it is critical that when you enter the car loop in the morning and afternoon, you take a moment to remember a few safety procedures. Not only are there measures in place to keep everyone and their vehicles safe, but also to make the most efficient use of everyone’s valuable time.
Please enter the school zone at a low rate of speed and be mindful of your surroundings. There are staff members directing traffic and buses entering and exiting the premises.
Every car dropping off or picking up students should enter the car loop. Parking in the auxiliary lot and walking your child to the front door is not safe. There are cars and buses moving about the parking lot. We do not want people walking through the parking lot, crossing the bus lane, and walking to the front door.
The only place you should be crossing is at the crosswalk on Northfield Road between Dunloggin and Northfield. We have a staff member stationed at this crosswalk ensuring that all people get across safely. Once you cross, you should remain on the sidewalk leading up to the school.
At no time, unless explicitly directed by a staff member, should one car pass another. Some students take longer to leave the vehicle because they need to gather instruments and other materials. Please be patient.
Cars should not be parking in the Dunloggin lot. If you park in the Dunloggin lot, please expect to wait until all of the cars in the loop have exited. You will be the last one to exit. It is not safe, or fair, to those parents who have waited in the loop to have to wait for you to back out of your parking spot.
Thank you for adhering to these procedures and for ensuring the safety of all students, parents, and vehicles. If you have questions, please contact Colleen Golden, Assistant Principal at 410-313-2806 or colleen_golden@hcpss.org.